‘Whole of society’ approach needed to action on global water agenda
09 March 2023

BANGKOK, 8 March 2023 – A high-level dialogue held today has cautioned that existing and future challenges in the field of water will require innovative, transformative ideas and a “beyond business as usual” approach if the world is to move faster on its water-related goals and targets, and decouple economic growth from nature’s destruction.

Co-hosted by the Embassy of the Netherlands and United Nations Resident Coordinator in Thailand, the exchange of views brought together local development partners, along with a host of special guests, including the Secretary-General of the Office of National Water Resources (ONWR), UN Environment Programme Deputy Regional Director a.i., and UN ESCAP’s Chief Environment and Development Policy Section. Noting how the world can unite for water action, the participants took stock of game-changing objectives to tackle the multifaceted global water crisis, and urged a focus on better governance of water resources, including increased investment and data availability in water-related services.
“Water is instrumental for mitigation as well as adaptation in tackling the climate crisis, but there is a need to fundamentally understand, value and manage water better, both locally and at a global scale. The water crisis should get the highest level of attention, raise public awareness, galvanize commitments and accelerate actions on water across multiple sectors. What we need is a whole of government, all of society approach. It is now or never,” H.E. Mr. Remco van Wijngaarden, the Ambassador of the Netherlands to Thailand, told the gathering of more than 80 local partners from the diplomatic corps, UN agencies, environmental organizations, and media.
The UN will convene from 22-24 March one of the most important water events in history at its Headquarters in New York, co-hosted by the Netherlands and Tajikistan. The conference, known as the 2023 Conference for the Midterm Comprehensive Review of Implementation of the UN Decade for Action on Water and Sanitation (2018-2028), will coincide with World Water Day on 22 March, which is about accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis this year. Progress towards clean water and sanitation is a means to successfully achieving all of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular on climate change, life on land, good health and well-being, food security, gender equality, equitable education, and industry and innovation.

Ms. Gita Sabharwal, the UN Resident Coordinator in Thailand, in turn stressed: “As the highest-profile water-related event at the UN in a half century, the Water Conference will be a perfect opportunity to address the global water crisis, with the involvement of politicians, businesses, scientists, and young people.” She went on to underscore Thailand’s voluntary commitments made to date in line with the Water Action Agenda, saying the country has “an important role to play in this within the region.” This includes filling the data gap on SDG 6 targets and capacity development for skilled water professionals to scale up water security.
On behalf of the Thai delegation leader assigned by the Prime Minister to the UN Water 2023 Conference, Dr. Surasri Kidtimonton, Secretary General of the Office of National Water Resources, said, "Thailand recognizes the need to accelerate change to achieve SDG 6 by revising its water master plan, which has been designed to complement the process of cross-sectoral and action-oriented management by shifting from project level analysis to an enabling environment, promoting opportunities for diversifying financial sources, and setting priorities with targeted actions to accelerate towards the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as to address climate change and facilitate resilient infrastructure development based on good governance and participation, and seeking international cooperation and engagement with children and youth to address these issues."
Mr. Bahodur Rahmonov, Deputy Ambassador of Tajikistan, said: “It is obvious that water is a dealmaker for the sustainable development goals, and for the health and prosperity of the people. We don’t need a conference with bold statements, we need a conference with bold commitments.”

During a panel discussion, water experts and representatives including Mr. Pratan Banjongpru, Senior Water Expert from the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA), Mr. Yossapon Boonsom, Co-Founder of We!Park, and Ms. Kotchakorn Voraakhom, Co-Founder of Porous City Network, shared their views on ways to take action on the water agenda, turning waste water management challenges into an opportunity, as well as the way forward to leverage water in blue and green urban development.
In response to increasing calls for green urban development and circularity, the Embassy of the Netherlands also showcased its ‘Walk the Talk’ and ‘Thailand-Netherlands Water Dialogue’ initiatives which were part of the ‘Orange Green Days’ series of events launched in September last year to provide a platform for co-creating resilient and livable cities for all, and coinciding with the World Cleanup Day.
For media enquiries, please contact:
Ms. Pantipa Sutdhapanya
Senior Economic Officer, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Thailand
E-mail: ban-ea@minbuza.nl
Bovornpong Vathanathanakul
Communications Officer, UN Resident Coordinator Office in Thailand