From localising strategies for "Making Cities Resilient to Disasters" to supporting government efforts in climate change adaptation, the work of the UN country team in Thailand continues in supporting national disaster risk reduction in the context of sustainable development. As part of this year's International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, read more below on the latest highlighted efforts from UNDRR, UNDP and UN Women, and join us for #DRRDay on social media!
Cities are the front lines in dealing with disasters and are a major emphasis of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. They are particularly vulnerable to increasingly frequent and extreme weather hazards, such as storms, climate change impacts, including water shortages, environmental degradation and unsafe construction in seismic zones. The 'MRC2030' is a unique cross-stakeholder initiative for improving local resilience through advocacy, sharing knowledge and experiences, establishing mutually reinforcing city-to-city learning networks, and building partnerships. In Thailand, the initiative aims to promote inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities by 2030. Learn more about the initiative in Thailand from UNDRR Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
Drawing on technology, nature-based approaches, and markets, UNDP has been working closely with the Thai Government on climate change preparedness for a number of years, including building capacity to secure global finance for climate action, and efforts to integrate agriculture into national adaptation planning. Ahead of the international climate conference COP26, the global Green Climate Fund has approved a new US$17.5 million grant towards building the climate change resilience of farmers in Thailand, with support from UNDP. Read more about the project from UNDP in Thailand.
UN Women
Gender Equality in Disaster Management and Response
UN Women provides support to the Technical Working Group on Protection, Gender and Inclusion (TWG-PGI), convened by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Committee on Disaster Management, to achieve gender equality and end gender-based violence across ASEAN’s disaster management efforts. Read more about this in the interview Take Five: “Women are a driving force in disaster risk reduction and emergency response”.
Join the campaign and create your own social media cards to support international cooperation for disaster risk reduction. Post your cards with #DRRDay #OnlyTogether and tag @UNDRR_AsiaPac and @UNThailand