Manual on Birth Registration and Procedures on Facilitating the Right to a Thai Nationality

In Thailand, although there are laws and policies in place to address the problems of acquiring legal status faced by stateless persons, studies suggest that this information is not readily accessible and easy to understand for non-experts.
This manual aims to strengthen the understanding of relevant stakeholders, including stateless persons, their family members, academics, civil society organizations and officials involved in these procedures under the current policies and legal framework. This manual is part of the Ending Childhood Statelessness in Thailand: Developing an Accelerated Nationality Review Model through Research and Empowerment of Stakeholders project implemented by Legal Research and Development Centre at the Faculty of Law in Chiang Mai University and UNICEF Thailand with support of the European Union. This publication serves as a comprehensive reference for all relevant laws. The authors hope that this manual will be a useful resource for all sectors involved in birth registration and those working on the right to a Thai nationality.