EU-UNDP Project: Strengthening SDG Localisation in Thailand, 2022-2024

The Delegation of the European Union (EU) in Thailand signed an agreement with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to implement a project called Strengthening SDG localisation in Thailand. The multi-year project will last for 18 months and has a total EU contribution of EUR 1 million.
Thailand has long recognised the importance of SDG localisation, with several ongoing national initiatives where this is a priority area. SDG localisation is also of great importance in the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (2022-2026).
Focusing on 15 target provinces, this project started in December 2022 and envisions that taking the global goals to the local level can push the 2030 agenda forward in the country.
The overall objective of this project is to improve stakeholders’ engagement in SDG policy dialogue and promote gender responsive SDG localisation in Thailand, with special focus on improving data availability at the provincial level, raising awareness, and building capacity around the SDGs and SDG localisation.