Director-General Khun Ureerat,
EU Ambassador H.E. David Daly,
All our special guest from Government, the UN Country Team, and media.
Let me begin by thanking you, Khun Ureerat, for your vision and leadership in strategically positioning South-South and Triangular Cooperation as an accelerator for Sustainable Development Goals for the region and beyond.
The lessons emerging from Thailand on transitioning to a green economy, investing in human capital and leaving no one behind provides a solid base to scale up good practices.
I also welcome the technical expertise offered by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Commerce, as well as the UN Office for South-South Cooperation—to solidify our gains.
Today we also have the honor of having the EU Ambassador H.E. David Daly join us to showcase how triangular cooperation is integral to our south-south engagement.
South-South Cooperation speaks to the power of partnerships grounded in mutual benefits.
The collaborations between the UN, TICA, line ministries and other development partners allow each of us to leverage our respective strengths towards truly transformative outcomes.
The three flagship initiatives we announce today aim to scale up organic agriculture based on EU norms, strengthen capacities for strategic health diplomacy at the world health assembly and ensure access to quality reproductive health services for vulnerable people.
These three flagships deliver on the priorities of the UN Cooperation Framework, allowing for a consolidated, comprehensive and coordinated approach to south-south engagement.
Individually, these projects are transforming lives. Collectively, they are forging partnerships that safeguard our global development goals.
This partnership is a reflection of our shared values to raise ambition in support of SDGs and I am very heartened by it.