Thank you, Khun Srikanya, and the Government Pension Fund (GPF) team.
It is a pleasure to join you virtually to share my perspective at this town hall.
Over the past year, in partnership with the GPF and together with private sector, bankers, and investors, our collaboration is advancing environmental, social and governance parameters to scale up climate justice and green investments in the country, in support of accelerating the SDGs.
In particular, the GPF is at the forefront of this by leveraging its technical expertise to model ESG scores. Your leadership is inspiring and serves as an enabler to transform businesses.
Thailand has done well in leveraging ESG-related funding, with the government and private sector together having raised over $12 billion in the past years. More and more businesses are recognizing that aligning with ESG principles is no longer an “optional add-on” but an “all-important necessity”.
In Thailand, the private sector is taking bolder initiatives, setting the bar higher with good practices, which are fundamental building blocks for business to maintain their competitive edge in the region and globally.
As we work towards a high-value, low-carbon, and circular future, we know that sustainable financing will be critical to unlock additional resources to land this transition successfully in the country. GPF as a champion, is a game changer by leading on this agenda and leveraging its influence by bringing others on board. Let’s seize this momentum in partnership together.
Let me conclude by thanking the GPF leadership for this opportunity. I wish you all an informative and inspirational town hall here today.