IOM Thailand Annual Report 2022

The year 2022 was the first year of implementation of IOM Thailand’s 2022 -2026 Strategy. IOM’s efforts focused on making meaningful impact across three main pillars: 1) Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience - ensuring migration is integrated in environment and climate change plans, 2) Human Capital and Mobility Solutions - enhancing human capital though responsive mobility solutions, and 3) Leave No One Behind - ensuring migrant inclusion, promotion of migrant rights and protection from all forms of discrimination.
This report highlights IOM Thailand achievements across these three pillars. The year 2022 has been described by many as a year of great resilience. For IOM Thailand, this was evident across the board from Thailand’s continued economic growth to the unwavering dedication and commitment demonstrated by its teams and partners at the frontlines. As Thailand re-opened its borders and new ways of working have been forged, IOM remains steadfast in its commitment to support the government of Thailand, particularly in its role as a Global Compact for Migration (GCM) Champion Country.