Resident Coordinator's Message to the Closing Ceremony of Girls in ICT Day Thailand 2022
[as prepared for delivery]
It is my pleasure to address you all at the closing Ceremony of the Girls in ICT Day.
I wish I could be there in person but nevertheless, I am grateful that I can deliver my words of appreciation remotely, thanks to modern technology.
First, I would like to thank all the three hundred participants in this leadership programme, including some of you here today, as they join young women globally who have taken part in ICT Day over the last decade.
I would also like to thank all our partners, as well as the co-organizers, namely the Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission, the Ministry of Digital Economy and Digital Society, and the UN family — for your continued commitment to empowerment and digital inclusion in Thailand.
I would also like to acknowledge the notable women ICT leaders, expert, and youth representatives in Thailand who shared their experience as part of this leadership programme. I know they have inspired all the participants to break down gender barriers and expand ICT spaces to everyone.
“Access and Safety” has been the emphasis this year, specifically the need of girls and women everywhere for unrestricted entry to digital tools, including the Internet, and a safe environment in which to cultivate their ICT skills.
Over the past two months all participants in Thailand, have acquired new knowledge about leadership, networking, disinformation, digital and media literacy, as well as ICT for the migrant community. These skills will broaden their job prospects and serve them well in their chosen careers, with a specific focus on STEM.
In Thailand, women are more active than men on social media, and are completing secondary and higher education at a higher rate. This is very progressive, however, for tertiary STEM related education, women’s participation is less than one third.
We also know that women in Thailand make up 43 per cent share of STEM occupations, which is high as compared to the global average.
We are on the right pathway but cannot run the risk of staying complacent. In line with the objectives of this initiative, we need to sustain and grow the full inclusion and participation of women in STEM.
Women are invaluable drivers of change at all levels and in identifying solutions to the many challenges that we face from achieving the green economic transformation to climate change and social inequalities, in line with the SDGs.
This is a priority for the UN in Thailand, and we are delivering on this through the Cooperation Framework, in partnership with the Royal Thai Government.
Realizing the SDGs requires a strong basis in science and innovation, which can only be achieved with women’s equal participation.
I therefore hope that you will consider continuing to study and pursue careers in STEM and ICT sectors, making this country and the world a prosperous, peaceful, and sustainable place.
As I conclude, I would like to congratulate all participants once again and I am looking forward to hearing from you, including about the value gained from this experience for their everyday lives as well as their futures.