FAO, ITU, UN ESCAP, UN, UNESCOเป้าหมายการพัฒนาที่ยั่งยืน
rury.demsey@itu.intGirls in ICT Day Thailand 2023

More details to come.
International Girls in ICT Day is celebrated worldwide every year on the fourth Thursday of April (27 April 2023). Girls in ICT Day provides an opportunity for girls and young women to see and be exposed to the benefit of ICT in enabling their career and aspiration. To date, over 377,000 girls and young women have taken part in more than 11,400 celebrations of International Girls in ICT Day in 171 countries worldwide.
As a result of the COVID-19 situation, the reliance on ICT to support the 'new norm' have become evident and widespread. The ICT sector is a growing sector for education in both developed and developing countries. This means that qualified female students in technical fields around the world have significant opportunities available to them. These are excellent opportunities in particular for highly skilled girls and young women who are still a minority when it comes to STEM education and careers. Developing initiatives and activities to promote and encourage girls to take up study in STEM and ICT is hence a requirement.
Girls in ICT Day Thailand initiative
Since 2017, the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society (MDES-Thailand), Office of The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC-Thailand) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) together with partners, including UN ESCAP, FAO, UNESCO, APT, CISCO, DTAC, CCKDM, NECTEC and GIC (AIT) have been running a capacity building program aimed at imparting employable digital skills to girls and young women in Thailand training more than 650 female students. In 2022, Girls in ICT Day celebration in Thailand was conducted in hybrid mode (face to face and virtual) from April to July owing to COVID-19. Around 250 girls and young women participated in the leadership and networking sessions and training programmes in areas of digital literacy, media literacy and disinformation. Building on the past successes in Thailand, the ITU would like to invite Office of the NBTC, MDES, partners from UN agencies, industry, and academia to co-organize and prepare for the 2023 Girls in ICT celebration.
How to Participate
A Zoom meeting invite, and details will be sent via email to all registered participants closer to the event date.
When joining meeting, please use the ID in the following template "Yourname_Organization”
Event Coordinator
Contact ITU Regional Office for Asia-Pacific Focal point: Ms. Rury Demsey, Junior Project Officer (rury.demsey@itu.int)
Social Media
This event will be promoted via UN Social Media platforms. Follow us and join us to promote this celebration through your network.